Popular Security Dog Breeds

Owning a security dog can be a great way to help protect your family or property and can enhance any existing security to give you peace of mind. There are many different breeds, however your choice will be largely dependent on whether you have a family and the type of property that you want to protect. Many dog breeds are great as family pets, but will quickly protect you should you ever be faced with an intruder.

Security Patrol Dogs from Hallmark Security Ltd

Here is a selection of some of the most popular security dog breeds.

German Shepherd
This type of breed is naturally confident and fearless – both of these characteristics makes them one of the most popular security dog breeds. They are bold, learn quickly and make excellent family pets who are ready to protect you in the event of an intruder. With the Dosage Calculator here, the calorie count can be easily monitor to train them fit and fine.

Doberman Pinscher
This dog is very popular, particularly for larger style pieces of land, due to their ability to move very quickly. Often referred to as the fifth most intelligent breed in the world, they are fearless and very alert to intruders.

This breed of dog is very popular due to their intelligence and their ability to learn quickly. They are naturally wary of strangers until they get to know them and they are incredibly loyal.

These are just a few of the most popular security dog breeds – each of these make great pets whilst being able to quickly protect you, should the need arise. There are many other great security dog breeds, however your choice will depend on your own circumstances and whether the breed fits in with your lifestyle and the property that you live in. All of the above examples are of breeds that can learn quickly and who demonstrate high levels of loyalty to their owners.

On a professional level, in the UK the breeds which are acceptable to be trained as Guard Dogs have been defined by the National Association of Security Dog Users (NASDU) and they recommend to members that General Purpose Security Dogs are usually of a recognised guarding breed and includes German Shepherds, Dobermans, Rottweilers and Malinois whereas Detection Dogs are usually of a recognised type and includes Labradors, Spaniels, or other sporting breeds.

Whichever dog you decide it’s always worth knowing the breeds the professional choose to use.