The Hallmark Cheshire Football League

Hallmark Security are delighted to announce its continued sponsorship of The Cheshire Football League. The sponsorship deal looks to promote both parties in terms of developing Step 7 football, and providing quality, affordable security services for homes, businesses and football clubs.

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Hallmark Managing Director Ian Ross, said of the agreement, “As a company we are extremely keen to continue to be associated with local football. The Cheshire Football League is very forward thinking and extremely progressive and that is something that echoes our ethos. It’s important to move forward and continue to grow and develop and with Rob’s drive and enthusiasm, that continues to happen. We are pleased to renew the agreement and are very much looking forward to the season ahead.”


Rob Goodwin-Davey, League Chairman, said “Having known Ian for a number of years, and working with him last season, I know he is passionate about local football and keen to develop our partnership going forward! I am delighted to be working with him into the future.”


You can visit The Hallmark Cheshire Football League web site, here.